Please start by introducing yourself and how long you have been involved in the HBA.
Talking Point 2/2
Choose one of the discussion prompts from the intro to talk about in your video.
The HBA is would like to spotlight the Ambassador Program in upcoming promotions. Your voice is important and we'd love to hear about your experience as an ambassador in your own words via a short (~60 second) video. Please respond to one of the questions below:
Describe your professional and personal transformation through the Ambassador Program: what were you like before, and what are you like now after the program?
What leadership attributes or skills did you gain through participation, or discover that you already had?
What was the highlight of your ambassador experience?
How has the Global Ambassador Program supported your professional goals?
Was there a specific project or topic area that was most meaningful to you?
Where have you seen the most impact since completing the program?
Simply click "Start Your Video" below and follow the prompts to begin!